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This association is a global network of not-for-profit entities that wish to support discussions in the fields of neuroscience and psychoanalysis. The organization has bases in New York City, Cape Town, and London. It works to provide information as well as other critical resources (both financial and infrastructural) to interested members of the public to enable the world make great strides in their research. Their official website is

NEUROPSA provides such information through the publication of journals throughout the year, holding of annual conferences and periodic meetings, giving grants to researchers and offering of education opportunities.

We comprise of three entities which work separately. We have the neuropsychoanalysis Fund based in London, the neuropsychoanalysis foundation in New York City and the neuropsychoanalysis trust in Cape Town. We work as a team for the realization of our goals.

The foundation

Another critical component of the association is the foundation. It organizes a monthly talk at the Arnold Pfeffer Center in New York which is open to the public. Here, various scientists come and discuss their advancements, and they share information with each other. It is an excellent way for the community to stay together as we work to understand our minds better.

Another critical component of the association is the foundation. It organizes a monthly talk at the Arnold Pfeffer Center in New York which is open to the public. Here, various scientists come and discuss their advancements, and they share information with each other. It is an excellent way for the community to stay together as we work to understand our minds better.

They also hold conferences and meetings throughout the year which members of the association attend and share their insights on various stages of progress in neuropsychoanalysis. Some of the significant discussions that they have sponsored over the years include the conference on depression which took place in 2013, in collaboration with Mt. Sinai.

The topic that year was “Towards a Real Understanding of Depression: Lessons from the Treatment Battlefield and New Research.” The issue got widely applauded. Depression is one of the leading mental illnesses in the world which affects not only our health but also our economy. Many people benefited from the information provided during that conference.

Another successful conference was in March 2015 which was in collaboration with the Department of Neurosurgery in Weill Cornell. The topic was “Greater Expectations: New Beginnings after Brain Injury.”

The foundation is in charge of the administration of grants such that for a researcher to qualify to receive such an award, they should go through the organization. It ensures that the money goes to deserving researchers who will dedicate their efforts to the realization of our goals.

The journal Neuropsychoanalysis gets edited from the foundation’s office where they can oversee that the published information is accurate and will not be misleading to those who receive the publication.

The neuropsychoanalysis trust

Cape Town has a wide range of neuropsychoanalytic activities which are under the management of the neuropsychoanalysis trust. Their work focuses mainly on psychology and neurology, and they center their actions in the University of Cape Town and the Groote Schuur Hospital.

They offer instructions to students at the university as well as to candidates undergoing training at the psychoanalytical association in South Africa.

They also have a variety of courses available to psychotherapists based in South Africa who are members of the South African Psychoanalytic Initiative.

Ongoing psychoanalytic cases get consideration in a bid to see what can get uncovered through the sharing of insights.

In addition to teaching, the trust also aims at undertaking research projects at the university with a focus on dreams and depression. They work to figure out the working of the brain in such areas, and they also bring in the operations of testosterone in the functioning of the mind.

There is also clinical training in neuropsychoanalytic rehabilitation which gets mainly given to practitioners in their early careers as well as students. There is a plan to expand this project to accommodate more learners in the future.


The association aims to spread awareness, and it does this by offering information in the form of video resources, reading material and studentships. It has aided many researchers to come up with various hypotheses which have proven to be true. Over time, the branches of the organization will grow to accommodate more willing researchers.

There are tons of chances to intern at institutions which the association gives per year. It is a great way to get in-depth knowledge on the field.